sunnuntai 27. marraskuuta 2016

Screen Printing Tests

Time is running out! Only 2,5 weeks left before we are headed back home.

Up in Ísafjörður it's been a busy couple of weeks. One of the recent projects was doing some screen printing tests using the vinyl cutter to make a pattern and then testing it out on some fabric.

Went rather well! The image used is a logo from Garbage's single You Look So Fine, will not be used commercially and only for the purpose of testing the technique out.

First we cut out the images on the vinyl cutter.

Transferring them to the screen.

Sealing the edges with some discarded material from the Flag Factory (see earlier blog post).

And it's testing time!

We have an image! I think two of the small bits in the middle were reattached into a slightly different position after they got removed in the process. But the technique worked well.

Two tests were made. First one with the vinyl image attached to the bottom of the screen, second one with the image on the top. Attaching the image to the top of the screen is not recommended. When the paint is applied, it will get below the edges of the cut image, and can very easily ruin the image and make it smudgy.

But if you need a single-time use image for screen printing, vinyl cutter can be of help creating the pattern for sure.

Finnish! ->

Elikkä jokunen aika sitten tuli tehtyä muutama silkkipainotesti vinyylileikkurilla leikeltyjen kuvioiden kanssa. Hyvin toimi, kuten yläpuolelta näkyy :) Testasimme kahdella tavalla. Toisessa kiinnitimme kuvion kehikon alapinnalle ja toisessa yläpinnalle. Alapinnalle kiinnitetty kuvio toimii huomattavasti paremmin. Kun kuvio oli kiinnitetty yläpinnalle, jonne painoväri levitetään, väri pääsi helposti leviämään kuvan alle ja sotki lopputuloksen.

Enää pari viikkoa vaihtoa jäljellä ja paljon projekteja viimeisteltävänä!


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